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  Player Information

Player Profile

Steam Community Avatar
Russian Federation HameleoNew
Location: Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Steam: STEAM_0:1:511186748
Status: (Unknown)
Click here to add as friend
Karma: In good standing
Member of Clan: (None)
Real Name: (Not Specified)
E-mail Address: (Not Specified)
Home Page: (Not Specified)
Last Connect:* Sat. Feb. 8th, 2025 @ 22:10:00
Total Connection Time: 0d 01:24:08h
Average Ping:* -
Favorite Server:* HL2F #2 | TEAM DEATHMATCH | hl2forever.ru
Favorite Map:* dm_caverns_r1
Favorite Weapon:* .357 Magnum

Statistics Summary

Activity: 3% 3%
Points: 2,177
Rank: 95
Kills per Minute: 1.76
Kills per Death: 1.0725 (1.00*)
Headshots per Kill: 0.0000 (0.0000*)
Shots per Kill: -
Weapon Accuracy: 0.0% (0%*)
Headshots: 0 (0*)
Kills: 148 (113*)
Deaths: 138 (113*)
Longest Kill Streak: 6
Longest Death Streak: 6
Suicides: 4
Teammate Kills: 0 (0*)

  History HameleoNew's History:
  Events | Sessions | Awards (0) | Chat
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  Miscellaneous Statistics

Player Trend
Player Trend Graph
Forum Signature

forum sig image

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Current rank: Private First Class
Private First Class
48% Kills needed: 52 (48%)
Rank history
Recruit Private

  Awards (hover over image to see name)

Connection Time - Supreme Supreme 357 Supreme AR2 Supreme Combine Ball Supreme Xbow Supreme Crowbar Supreme Grenade Supreme Headshotter Supreme Lowpinger Most Kills - Supreme Supreme Physbox Supreme Physics Supreme Pistol Supreme RPG Supreme Shotgun Supreme Slam Supreme SMG Supreme SMG Grenade Supreme Stunstick Most Suicides - Supreme
Global Awards

  Действия игрока *

  Выбор команды *

Rank Команда Выбирал sort-descending.gif % Соотношение
1 Rebel Forces 2 times 50.00% 50.00%

  Weapon Usage *

Rank Weapon Modifier Kills sort-descending.gif % Ratio Headshots % Ratio HS:K
1 .357 Magnum 4.30 33 29.20% 29.20% 0 % % 0.00
2 Frag Grenade 3.70 26 23.01% 23.01% 0 % % 0.00
3 Shotgun 3.80 13 11.50% 11.50% 0 % % 0.00
4 Physics 7.00 11 9.73% 9.73% 0 % % 0.00
5 Sub Machine Gun 0.00 9 7.96% 7.96% 0 % % 0.00
6 USP Match 10.00 9 7.96% 7.96% 0 % % 0.00
7 Crossbow 7.30 9 7.96% 7.96% 0 % % 0.00
8 Combine Assault Rifle 1.00 2 1.77% 1.77% 0 % % 0.00
9 Impact Grenade 2.50 1 0.88% 0.88% 0 % % 0.00

  Статистика по картам *

Rank Карта Убийств % Соотношение Смертей % Соотношение КПД sort-descending.gif Хедшотов % Соотношение Соотн.
1 dm_riposte 61 53.98% 53.98% 58 51.33% 51.33% 1.05 0 % % 0.00
2 dm_caverns_r1 52 46.02% 46.02% 55 48.67% 48.67% 0.95 0 % % 0.00

  Статистика по серверам *

Rank Сервер Убийств sort-descending.gif % Соотношение Смертей КПД Хедшотов Процент Хедшотов % Соотн.
1 HL2F #2 | TEAM DEATHMATCH | hl2forever.ru 113 100.00% 100.00% 113 1.0000 0 % % 0.0000

  Статистика убийств игрока *

Rank Жертва Убийств sort-descending.gif % Соотношение Смертей % Соотношение КПД Хедшотов % Соотношение Соотн.
1  HungarySlayer 21 18.58% 18.58% 21 18.58% 18.58% 1.00 0 % % 0.00
2  United kingdom (great britain)WkD 18 15.93% 15.93% 30 26.55% 26.55% 0.60 0 % % 0.00
3  SpainLaxefire 15 13.27% 13.27% 9 7.96% 7.96% 1.67 0 % % 0.00
4  TurkeyNibiru 11 9.73% 9.73% 21 18.58% 18.58% 0.52 0 % % 0.00
5  Norwayballistic 10 8.85% 8.85% 14 12.39% 12.39% 0.71 0 % % 0.00
6  Russian federationRazor 6 5.31% 5.31% 1 0.88% 0.88% 6.00 0 % % 0.00
7  Russian federationСын Мияги 6 5.31% 5.31% 1 0.88% 0.88% 6.00 0 % % 0.00
8  Russian federationVitaliySORA 5 4.42% 4.42% 1 0.88% 0.88% 5.00 0 % % 0.00

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Значения помеченные "*" сгенерированны за последние 28 дней.
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Сгенерировано в реальном времени HLstatsX Community Edition 1.6.19

® 2015-2021 HALF-LIFE 2 FOREVER
